Russian River Recreation: Photo Archive

Draft horse teams help dam the Russian River.

Russian River Sandbag Dam

Families enjoying a swim (c. early 20th Century)

The Russian River Dam

A Dam Site (c. early 20th century)

Johnsons Beach bath houses & canoes

Johnson’s Beach: Canoe Launch (1929)

Johnsons Beach & the new bridge (c. 1920s)

Old Guerneville Bridge over Russian River

Johnsons Beach, hand tinted photo by R. Dobbs

Family’s Trout Fishing Haul (c. 1940s-50s)

Johnsons Beach summer season 1950s

Grant King tying Fishing Lure (c.1950s)

Johnson Beach Dam Installation (c. 1960s)

Johnson’s Beach Dam Installation (c. late 20th century)

Tips for The Busy Season (newspaper photo)